Was your on-the-job injury a result of someone else’s negligence?

With so many people on construction site and industrial sites, numerous parties could be at fault for the conditions that led to your accident. Architects, engineers, suppliers, heavy machine operators, truck drivers, and more — negligence of any of these individuals could be the cause of your injury. To recover damages, you must prove that the negligent party had an obligation to act in a safe, reasonable manner, and the failure to do so caused your injury. In order to prove that, you will need the help of an experienced and qualified construction and industrial accident lawyer in Western Pennsylvania. If you have been injured on a construction or industrial site, contact Mike Colarusso or Herb Cohen for a free evaluation and consultation so we can determine whether you have a case. Our office is located in Pittsburgh, PA. Call (412) 261-1380 to speak with a Construction and Industrial Accident Attorney. We offer Free Case Evaluation.

Were you injured because of a faulty product?

If faulty or defective equipment was the cause of your injury, you may be able to pursue a product liability suit. We frequently discover that a construction or industrial accident was caused by a defective the tool or piece of construction. We have experience in faulty electrical equipment, defective tools, dangerous booms and lifts, and in a variety of other product liability cases which caused injury and death to industrial, construction, and building trade workers. Contact Mike Colarusso or Herb Cohen for a free case evaluation, and let us put our experience to work for you. Our construction accident lawyers can handle all kinds of industrial and manufacturing industry accidents.

Were you injured by a toxic substance?

Working in a construction or industrial setting puts you in contact with hazardous materials that can cause immediate and long-term occupational diseases. Contact with some toxic substances, like asbestos, can lead to life-threatening illnesses that do not manifest themselves until years after the initial exposure. If you have suffered any injury in the manufacturing industry in Pittsburgh, PA, contact Colarusso and Cohen today for a free case evaluation and consultation, and let us put our experience to work for you.